Back in the elegant 80’s, Mrs R was pally with Mister Loudon Wainwright the Third and they’ve kept in touch since. Last night, we met up with LW and his ex, Suzzy (of The Roches), and his daughter Lucy Wainwright Roche. Good to see LW again but the real delight was meeting Suzzy and being charmed by Lucy – a real pearl.

If you haven’t caught LW3 live I entreat you to sling a few quid his way for a show: his songs are a unique mix of personal, angsty, satirical, bitter, sweet and bitter-sweet (The tour de force ‘Half Fist’ is a stonker). His performance is evocative, witty and enthralling. What we weren’t prepared for was Lucy’s captivating opening show – all we can say is LOOK OUT for the third of the Wainwright offspring.
And Mrs Refugee went home very happy.
Yay ! I've liked Loudon since I first saw him at the Cambridge Folk Festival when I was about 17. Saw him once with Mrs R too.
Lest we not forget about the talented son too, Rufus Wainwright, whose 2001 album 'Poses' I can't recommend enough!
Me, I like Martha, I want to adopt Lucy, BUT I can't get to grips with Rufus - dunno why!? Maybe if he wore crimson more.
However, Mrs R is not only keen on the lad she has personal tales to tell of Master Wainwright from the ages of 10 to 12 - maybe she was influential on his present style.
I'm gonna try and link you to my blurg - I really anticipate your next short short.
I like Rufus too, though he sings through his teeth sometimes which is irritating
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