Saturday 24 February 2007

De-lightful, de-licious, de - love - ly

Yesterday was HS's first Parents' Evening at her new, improved, shining school - the previous 5 years' Parents Evenings were black holes of miserable education review. HS, as we knew, had had problems with writing and spelling - and NOT ONE of her past teachers ever properly addressed the problems. As you can imagine, HS's confidence and self-esteem has been pretty low.

Last evening, our first meeting was with teacher CGL (English) and she was fulsome in her praise of HS and her positive efforts to remedy her abilities AND what a de-lightful girl she was. Swelling heads from SC and I.

Maths, Chemistry, Geography, Chemistry, History and Art (HS's favourite) all followed in their enthusiasm and encouragement for a girl who has been knocked backwards over 5 years. Mrs GS, the special English tutor, confided to us, "I love her to bits".

Would it be wrong for me to stick two metaphoric fingers at those black hole teachers? Who cares now. An educational corner has well and truly been turned. By the time we left school my chest was puffed out, my heart was thumping and my eyes were brimming....or was that the pouring rain as I hummed "She's de-lightful, she's de-licious, she's de-love-ly"


In late 2005 I got involved with The Band Room - an extraordinary local music venue. And for a year I became a part-time music promoter. By chance and with some foolhardiness my first booking was American songwriter-singer Stephen Bishop - a longtime favourite of mine. A great deal more later but....I arranged the show to be filmed and Stephen and I agreed to release the film on DVD. Because of the ravagaes of last year neither of us followed the DVD through - NOW was the time to email Stephen again.

Hey, Bish let's get this done!

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